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Dr Jan van Aaken Wrist and hand surgery

Orthopedic surgery and traumatology of the musculoskeletal system

Wrist and hand surgery

Dr Jan van Aaken

Dr. Jan van Aaken studied medicine in Berlin and then in Tübingen, Germany, and it was finally in Stuttgart that he obtained his medical degree in 1999. A year later he received his Doctorate from Eberhard-Karl University in Tübingen.

Between 1999 and 2006, he worked as an intern in orthopedic surgery at the Cantonal Hospital of Fribourg and Bellinzona as well as at the HUG in Geneva. In 2006, he obtained the title of FMH specialist in orthopedic surgery and traumatology of the musculoskeletal system. He then became chief resident and continued his training in hand surgery at the HUG in Geneva, at the Clinique Longeraie and at the CHUV in Lausanne, followed by a fellowship in Beijing. In 2010, he obtained the title of specialist in FMH in hand surgery.

Currently, Dr. Jan van Aaken is in a private practice.
He is an associate physician at HUG, member of the Swiss Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology (SSOT) and of Hand Surgery (SSCM).

His main interest is trauma, particularly wrist fractures.

Spoken languages

Mother tongue : German

Foreign languages : French, English, Portuguese, Italian

Work experience

Specialist in hand surgery in private practice, Geneva (Switzerland)

Consultant at the Hôpital Universitaire de Genève, Geneva (Switzerland)

Diploma as Specialist in hand surgery FMH/ Switzerland

Fellow in hand surgery Hôpital Universitaire de Genève, Geneva (Switzerland)

Travelling fellow Jishuitan hospital, Beijing (China)

Fellow in hand surgery Clinique de la Longeraie, Lausanne (Switzerland)

Fellow in hand surgery, Hôpital Universitaire de Genève, Geneva (Switzerland)

Resident in hand surgery, Hôpital Universitaire de Genève, Geneva (Switzerland)

Diploma as Specialist in orthopaedic surgery FMH/ Switzerland

Resident in orthopaedic surgery, Hôpital Universitaire de Genève, Geneva (Switzerland)

Resident in orthopaedic surgery, Bellinzona (Switzerland)

Resident in orthopaedic surgery, Hôpital Cantonal, Fribourg (Switzerland)

Resident in general surgery Hôpital de la Glâne, Billens (Switzerland)


Doctorial Thesis “Influence of CD36, CD54, Thrombospondine and Chondroitin Sulphate on cythoadherence of P. falciparum in servere malaria” Erberhard-Karls-Universität, Tübingen (Germany)

Studies of Human Medicine, Eberhard-Karls-Universität, Tübingen (Germany)

Studies of Human Medicine, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin (Germany)


  • Triolo J, van Aaken J, Beaulieu J-Y, Bouvet C. Traumatismes de l’articulation interphalangienne proximale des doigts longs. (2021) Rev Med Suisse17: 1576-81.
  • Vostrel P, Kolo F, van Aaken J. Conservative Treatment of Scaphoid Nonunion in Children – A Case Report and Review of the Literature. (2020) J Surg 5: 1316.
  • 刘坤, 武竞衡, 陈山林, 田文, van Aaken J, Hoffmeyer P. 田光磊近端指间关节骨折脱位患者的动态牵引联合切开复位内固定治疗. Chinese Journal of Bone and Joint, (2017) April 6(4): 285-261.
  • van Aaken J, Holzer N, Wehrli L, Delaquaize F, Gonzalez I.A, Beaulieu J-Y. Unacceptable failure of the PI2® implant. JHS (E). (2016), 41(9): 917-922.
  • van Aaken J, Fusetti C, Luchina S, Brunetti S, Beaulieu J-Y, Gayet-Ageron A, Hanna, Shin A Y, Hofmeister E. Fifth Metacarpal Neck Fractures treated with Soft Wrap/ Buddy Taping Compared to Reduction and Casting; Results of a Prospective, Multicenter, Randomized Trial. AOTS (2016), 136(1) 135-142.
  • Balagué N, Uçkay I, Vostrel P, Hinrikson H, van Aaken J, Beaulieu JY. Non-tuberculous mycobacterial infections of the hand. Chir main (2015) Feb;34(1) : 18-23.
  • Balagué N, Vostrel P, Beaulieu JY, van Aaken J. Third degree formic acid chemical burn in the treatment of a hand wart: a case report and review of the literature. Springerplus. (2014) Aug 5(3): 408.
  • van Aaken J, Beaulieu JY, Vostrel P, Kämpfen S, Bianchi S. Accuracy of High-Resolution Ultrasound for Evaluating Soft Tissue Tumours of the Hand and Wrist. MJMS. (2012) Dec 15;5(4) : 423-427.
  • Platon A, Poletti PA, van Aaken J, Fusetti C, Della Santa D, Beaulieu J-Y, Becker CD. Occult fractures of the scaphoid: the role of ultrasonography in the emergency department. Skeletal Radiology. (2011)40 (7): 869-75.
  • van Aaken J, Zhu J, Fasel JHD, Beaulieu J-Y. Investigation of radialization and rerouting of the extensor digiti minimi (EDM) in the abduction deformity of the little finger: A cadaver study. Hand (2011) 6(2): 202-2005.
  • van Aaken J, Beaulieu J-Y, Fusetti C. “Commentary about the publication: “Long-term Outcomes of closed Reduction and Percutaneous Pinning for the treatment of Distal Radius Fractures”. (Glickel SZ, Catalano LW, Raia FJ, Barron OA, Grabow R, Chia B. (J Hand Surg [Am] 2008; Dec;33(10):1700-5))” J Hand Surg [Am] 2009.
  • van Aaken J, Beaulieu J-Y, Della Santa D, Kibbel O, Fusetti C. High rate of complications associated with extrafocal Kirschner wire pinning for distal radius fractures. Chir Main. (2008) Sep;27(4) : 160-6.
  • Bianchi S, Della Santa D, Glauser T, Beaulieu J-Y, van Aaken J. Ultrasound of masses of the wrist and hand. Am. J. Roentgenol. (2008), 191 (6) : 1767-75.
  • Bianchi S, van Aaken J, Glauser T, Della Santa D, Beaulieu JY. Conflits entre les tendons extenseurs et les vis d’ostéosynthèses épiphysaires dans les fractures de l’extrémité distale du radius traitées par plaque palmaire. Etude echographique. Actualités en Échographie de l’appareil locomoteur t.5 Editions Sauramps Médicale 2008.
  • Bianchi S, van Aaken J, Glauser T, Martinoli C, Beaulieu J-Y, Della Santa D. Extensor tendons screws impingement in distal radial fractures treated by palmar plating. Ultrasound appearance. Am. J. Roentgenol. (2008). 191(5) : W199-203.
  • van Aaken J, Kämpfen S, Berli M, Fritschy D, Della Santa D. Outcome of Boxer’s Fractures Treated by a Soft Wrap and Buddy Taping: A Prospective Study. Hand. (2007) Dec; 2 (4) : 212-217.
  • van Aaken J, Berli M, Gambirasio R, Noger M, Fritschy D. Symptomatic treatment of avulsion and Jones fractures in the non-athlete population. Rev Med Suisse. (2007) Aug 2;3 (120) : 1792-4.
  • van Aaken J, Jackson Y, Loutan L, Fritschy D. Retour d’Argentine: un passager clandestin cutané. Rev Med Suisse, (2005) Mar;1 : 720-1.
  • Cabrera G, Yone C, Tebo AE, van Aaken J, Lell B, Kremsner PG, Luty AJ. Immunoglobulin G isotype responses to variant surface antigens of Plasmodium falciparum in healthy Gabonese adults and children during and after successive malaria attacks. Infect Immun. (2004) Jan;72(1) : 284-94.
  • Bouvet C, Beaulieu J-Y, Liu K, van Aaken J. Mid-term Outcomes of Treatment of Fracture Dislocation of the Proximal Interphalangeal Joint with Gexfinger ®- A New Dynamic External Fixator. (2022) J Hand Surg Asian Pac Vol. Apr;27(2):359-365.


▪ Foederatio Medicorum Helveticorum (FMH)

▪ Société Suisse d’Orthopédie et de Traumatologie (SSOT)

▪ Société Suisse de Chirurgie de la Main (SSCM)

▪ Suisse College of Surgeons (SCS)

▪ Association Suisse des Médecins Indépendants (ASMI)

▪ Association des Médecins de Genève (AMG)

▪ Société Médicale de Genève (SMG)


  • van Aaken J, Berli, M. Gambirasio, R. Noger, M. Fritschy, D. Hoffmeyer, P. Traitement fonctionnel des fractures de Jones dans la population générale. Rev Chir Orthop Reparatrice Appar Mot,(2006), 92(2):3s60.
  • van Aaken J, Kaempfen S, Berli M, Fritschy D, Della Santa DR, Fusetti C: A prospective study of subcapital fractures of the fifth metacarpal treated with self adherent wrap and strapping of the fourth and fifth metacarpal. XII Congress FESSH Athens 2007
  • van Aaken J, Beaulieu J-Y, Della Santa D, Fusetti C. High complication rate in Kirschner wire fixation for unstable distal radius fractures. SSO 2007.
  • van Aaken J, Bianchi S, Kaempfen S, Bonvin A, Della Santa D. Accuracy of high-resolution ultrasound for evaluating focal lesions of the hand and wrist. SSCM 2007.
  • van Aaken J, Beaulieu J-Y, Della Santa D, Kibbel O, Fusetti C. High complication rate in Kirschner wire fixation for unstable distal radius fractures. J Hand Surg Eur Vol (2008) 33 (S)148.
  • Beaulieu JY, van Aaken J, Bonvin A, Della Santa D. Bone loss in complex fracture: A two-stage reconstruction. J Hand Surg Eur Vol (2008) 33 (S) 172.
  • van Aaken J, Bianchi S, Beaulieu J-Y, Della Santa D. High-resolution ultrasound in the evaluation of focal lesions of the hand and wrist. J Hand Surg Eur Vol (2008) 33 (S)180.
  • Beaulieu J-Y, van Aaken J, Vostrel P, Seenwald G, Della Santa D. Capsulodèse scahpotrapezienne anterieur: Faisabilité anatomique dans le traitement des instabilities scapho-lunaires. Chir Main (2008) 27(6), 280.
  • Beaulieu J-Y, van Aaken J, Vostrel P, Seenwald G, Della Santa D. Capsulodèse bipolaire dans le traitement des instabilités dynamiques scapho-lunaires : étude Préliminaire. Chir Main (2008) 27(6), 280.
  • Vostrel P, van Aaken J, Sadowski M, Beaulieu J-Y. An unusual metastasis: Case report and review form the literature. J Hand Surg Eur Vol (2009) 34E (S) 124.
  • van Aaken J, Platon A, Poletti P-A, Della Santa D, Fusetti C, Becker C D. (2010) Value of sonography to detect occult fractures of the scaphoid : a comparison with CT. Swiss Med Wkly 140 (23-24) Sup 181 :13s
  • van Aaken J, Fasel JHD, Beaulieu J-Y. Investigating the rerouting maneuver in the abduction deformity of the 5th digit. A cadaver study. SSCM 2010.
  • Beaulieu J-Y, Sennwald G, Kämpfen S, van Aaken J. Capsulodèse scapho-trapézienne antérieure pour traiter des instabilités SL. Etude anatomique. SSCM 2010.
  • Beaulieu J-Y, Kämpfen S, G. Sennwald G, van Aaken J. Capsulodèse bipolaire dans le traitement des instabilités scapho-lunaires: à propos de 8 cas. SSCM 2010.
  • van Aaken J, Holzer N, Wehrli L, Delaquaize F, Beaulieu J-Y. High failure rate treating CMC1 osteoarthritis with PI2. J Hand Surg Eur Vol (2011) 36E (S1) 52.
  • Vostrel P, van Aaken J, Kämpfen S, Nouaille de Gorce H, Beaulieu J-Y. Apport de la stabilisation angulaire dans les fractures de la base du premier métacarpien. (2011). Chir main 30(6), 421-422.
  • Beaulieu J-Y, van Aaken J, Vostrel P, Kämfpen S. Arthroses pancarpiennes: Amandys® ou RCPI? Chir main (2012) 31(6), 391.
  • Gjika E, De Smet A, Loret M, Vostrel P, van Aaken J, Beaulieu J-Y. Résultats des plaques palmaires intra-articulaires, dans les fractures complexes du radius distal: un positionnement audelà de la watershed line, est-il un avantage? Chir Main (2013) 32, 436-436.
  • Liu K, Beaulieu J-Y, P. Hoffmeyer P, G. Tian G, van Aaken J. A new adjustable Dynamic External Fixator for Fracture-Dislocations of the PIP J: A cadaver study. SSCM 2013.
  • Liu K, Beaulieu J-Y, Hoffmeyer P, Tian G, van Aaken J. A New Adjustable Dynamic External Fixator for Fracture-Dislocations of the Proximal Interphalangeal Joint: a Cadaver Study. AAHS (2014) Hawaii


Development of a dynamic external fixator for the treatment of complicated PIP fractures. Patent pending USA.

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